-A total purchase of items totaling under $50, we charge $5 shipping.
-A total purchase of items totaling $50 and over, there is no shipping charge.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Declare variables
Dim dblPurchase, dblShipping, dblTotal As Double
dblPurchase = CDbl(txtPurchase.Text)
dblShipping = 6
If dblPurchase >= 50 Then
dblTotal = dblPurchase
dblTotal = (dblPurchase + dblShipping)
End If
'Display Total
MessageBox.Show = ("Your total is " & FormatCurrency(dblTotal) & " .")
End Sub
End Class
2.)You are looking for something to control your heat in your apartment and you discover there is NOT an app for that. It's about time that someone created one. You decide that you are the one to do it. Here's what you want to do.
-You want to turn the heat on when the temp has dropped below 72
-You also want to turn the AC on when the temp gets above 76
Your app should display in a message box if the heat is on, the AC is on, or if the system is idle. Plug in different temps for the room in a variable to see what the thermostat will do with it.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Declare variables
Dim decTemp As Decimal
'Get Input
decTemp = CDec(txtTemperature.Text)
If decTemp < 72 Then
MessageBox.Show("The heat is on.")
ElseIf decTemp >= 72 And decTemp <= 76 Then
MessageBox.Show("The system is idle")
ElseIf decTemp > 76 Then
MessageBox.Show("The A/C is on")
End If
End Sub
End Class
3.)You are working on a clothing website where people can buy kids socks. It's really hard for the customers to know what size they should buy for what age. It would be a good idea for the customer to have a tool to input their child's age and have the website suggest a size for them. Write a tool where you can set the age as a variable and have it suggest on of the sizes below:
a.0-2 yrs -XS
b.3-4 yrs -S
c.5-8 yrs -M
d.9-12 yrs -L
e.13+ yrs -XL
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Declare variables
Dim intAge As Integer
'Get Input
intAge = CInt(txtAge.Text)
If intAge <= 2 Then
MessageBox.Show("Your child's size is X-Small")
ElseIf intAge >= 3 And intAge <= 4 Then
MessageBox.Show("Your child's size is Small")
ElseIf intAge >= 5 And intAge <= 8 Then
MessageBox.Show("Your child's size is Medium")
ElseIf intAge >= 9 And intAge <= 12 Then
MessageBox.Show("Your child's size is Large")
ElseIf intAge >= 13 Then
MessageBox.Show("Your child's size is X-Large")
End If
End Sub
End Class
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